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vagus nerve

Vagus Wellness Therapy Training Program

Yet to be announced

Stimulating the vagus nerve is known to treat various health conditions, since it links all essential organs to the brain. This program will teach us how to take care of the most significant organ of the human body, because the vagus nerve is responsible for communicating with the brain. Besides, vagus revive focuses on diaphragm breathing which increases our breathing capacity. Enhance your self-healing potential and also heal others by ensuring their vagus nerve functions in a healthy manner.


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Vagus Wellness Therapy Practitioner Training program




The "Vagus Wellness Therapy Practitioner Training program" is a cutting-edge, holistic wellness initiative designed to harness the power of vagus nerve stimulation to promote overall health, mental well-being, and performance optimization. Named after the vagus nerve, one of the longest cranial nerves in the body, the program aims to revitalize and balance the autonomic nervous system, improve breathing, circulation, digestion, immunity, metabolism and so on through safe and effective manual techniques.


The Vagus Nerve: A Key to Well-being:


The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating the body's internal processes, including heart rate, digestion, immune response, and stress management. When the vagus nerve is functioning optimally, it helps maintain a healthy balance between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) nervous systems, promoting a state of complete health and wellbeing and preventing illnesses.


Program Components:


The Vagus Wellness Therapy Practitioner Training Program comprises a carefully curated set of practices and therapies designed to stimulate/activate the Vagus nerve and foster wellness: 


Self-Healing Osteopathy techniques (SHOTs), specific vagus stretches, fascial unwinding techniques, soft tissue manipulation, chakra/energy healing techniques, Breathwork and meditation.


Participants in this program will be learning valuable techniques to promote physical, mental, emotional, social & spiritual health of themselves and their clients. They will learn to give the Vagus wellness therapy to their clients to ease pain/discomfort in the body, help them heal/recover faster from chronic illnesses & improve overall health and wellbeing and also prevent diseases.


Program Outcomes:


Participants in the Vagus Wellness Therapy Practitioner Training  Program can expect a range of positive outcomes for themselves and for their clients including:


  • Unlock, & revive the vagus nerve for holistic health (Physical, Mental & Emotional Health), happiness, Healing & Harmony.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels

  • Reduce pain & stiffness in the body.

  • Enhanced mental clarity, focus, and emotional resilience.

  • Improved breathing capacity, digestion and circulation.

  • Improved sleep quality and overall relaxation

  • Boosted immune system & metabolism.

  • Increased physical vitality and general well-being.

  • Better self-awareness and mind-body connection

  • Long-term tools for managing stress and maintaining wellness.

  • Improved social and interpersonal relationships.


Program Duration: 6 days full day offline program | 8 hours a day

followed by 6 online classes (2 hours each) fortnightly over 3 months and 100 hours of home practice.


The "Vagus Wellness Therapy Practitioner Training  Program" offers a comprehensive approach to well-being by leveraging the power of vagus nerve stimulation and mind-body techniques. By promoting relaxation, mental clarity, and physical vitality, the program empowers individuals to achieve holistic wellness and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

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