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Hair Care for Varsha Ritu

The most common hair concerns that varsha ritu brings are flakiness, frizz and hair fall. Ayurveda expert Dr Sharika Menon shares some tips about the whys and how’s about taking care of our hair during the rains.

Hair Care for Varsha Ritu

According to Ayurveda, the texture of hair depends on the composition of elemental energy in our body. The composition of these elements is what defines our Doshas (mind-body types) – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Depending on the type of doshas which dominate the body, ayurveda defines hair types mainly as:

As there is more humidity in the air, it becomes important to avoid the accumulation of dirt, sweat and dead skin on the scalp. These conditions can cause dandruff and an oily scalp, leading to hair fall.

Tips for hair care during monsoons

  1. Don’t leave oil in your scalp overnight – leaving oil in the hair overnight can cause congestion, leading to swelling colds coughs, headaches and indigestion.

  2. Low metabolism can mean high hair fall – Chronic health problems which are related to metabolism like blood pressure, high blood sugar and obesity can give rise to nutritional deficiencies. Keep your diet light, as more metabolic residues and weak digestive fire can cause hair fall too.

  3. The rise of vata and stress are complementary factors – Vata imbalance is dominant during Varsha ritu, and aggravated vata can encourage anxiety. Stress affects the body in many ways – hair fall, unhealthy skin, sluggish metabolism, issues with elimination, weakness in bone tissue etc. are by-products of stress.However, it is during monsoon that the body is most receptive to the ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies which can balance vata, nourish the immune system, increase vitality and digestive power. Panchakarma treatments are also beneficial for emotional health, but should only be taken as per recommendation of the doctor.Under a doctor’s guidance, Nasya and Dhumapana are ayurvedic treatments which will help with hair and scalp health during this time – and will also help to strengthen the immune system.

  4. Nourish your scalp with the right oils:

Shiro Abhyanga is an ayurvedic remedy for hair loss that helps by enhancing blood circulation to the nerve ends. It can be done with:

  1. Brahmi Bringaraj Taila – This oil nourishes the root of the hair and reduces hair fall by preventing a dry scalp. It helps to de-stress and prevents premature greying.

  2. Bringamalakadi Taila – This oil is made of Ayurvedic herbs that check premature greying. It not only helps promote hair growth but also helps in treating arthritis and back pain.

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